However, the compliance procedures for imported fruits are relatively complex, involving multiple steps and strict regulatory requirements. This article will sort out the key steps and precautions for the compliance of imported fruits, so that you can easily master the import process and ensure that fruits can enter the Chinese market smoothly.♥进口水果准入 Market Access只有列入我国准入水果名单的国家和地区的特定水果品种,才被允许进口。企业可以通过查询准入名单,以及检验检疫公告等形式,确认来源国和地区是否合规。Only specific fruit varieties from countries and regions included in China's approved fruit list are allowed to be imported. Enterprises can confirm whether the source country and region are compliant by checking the access list and inspection and quarantine notices.♥境外果园、包装厂注册 Orchard&Packaging House Registration已与我国签订双边协议或议定书的国家和地区,其输华水果的果园和包装厂还须由输出国检验检疫部门备案,并经我国海关总署批准注册。在海关总署网站中,可查询到《已允许进口水果境外注册登记企业名单》。Countries and regions that have signed bilateral agreements or protocols with China must also register their orchards and packaging factories exporting fruits to China with the inspection and quarantine department of the exporting country and have them approved for registration by the General Administration of Customs of China. On the General Administration of Customs website, you can find the List of Overseas Registered Enterprises that Have Allowed to Import Fruits.
境外生产企业注册方式 Registration Approach
According to the type of product, the following registration methods are applicable respectively
Recommended registration by the competent authority of the country (region): fresh fruits, frozen fruits
Enterprise registration application: Fruit powder, jam, canned fruit
进口水果通关Customs clearance of imported fruits
I. Inspection and quarantine of the exporting country or region
水果在出口前,必须经国外官方检验检疫机构严格检疫合格,负责官员应按照约定比例对每批输华说过进行抽样检查。经检疫合格后,出具符合中国要求的植物检疫证书,这是水果进入中国的 “敲门砖”。运输过程中有冷处理要求,附加声明需用英文标注“Cold treatment in transit”(途中冷处理),并注明冷处理温度、处理时间、集装箱、封识号码等信息。Before exporting, fruits must undergo strict quarantine by foreign official inspection and quarantine agencies, and responsible officials should conduct sampling inspections on each batch of imported fruits according to the agreed proportion. After passing the quarantine inspection, a plant quarantine certificate that meets China's requirements will be issued, which is the "door opener" for fruits to enter China. During transportation, there is a requirement for cold treatment, and an additional statement should be labeled in English as "Cold treatment in transit", indicating the cold treatment temperature, treatment time, container, seal number, and other information.
II. Port Customs Document Review and Inspection Quarantine
水果抵达我国口岸后,海关工作人员开启严谨审核流程,核查进境动植物检疫许可证、植物检疫证书等相关单证是否齐全且真实有效,确保货证相符。工作人员依照标准流程,仔细核对植物检疫证书与包装箱上的信息及官方检疫标志,逐一检查水果是否带虫体、病征、枝叶、土壤和病虫为害状,一旦现场检疫发现可疑疫情,迅速送实验室检疫鉴定,从细微处排查隐患;同时,依据规定按比例抽取样品送实验室检测,对水果品质、农残、有害生物等指标全面 “体检”,用专业与严谨为guoneishichang把关。
After the fruit arrives at the port of our country, customs staff initiate a rigorous review process to verify whether the relevant documents such as the import animal and plant quarantine permit and plant quarantine certificate are complete, genuine, and valid, ensuring that the goods match the certificate. The staff carefully checks the plant quarantine certificate and the information on the packaging box, as well as the official quarantine mark, in accordance with standard procedures. They inspect the fruits one by one for any signs of pests, diseases, branches, leaves, soil, and pest infestations. Once a suspicious epidemic is detected during on-site quarantine, it is quickly sent to the laboratory for quarantine and identification, and hidden dangers are investigated from a subtle perspective; At the same time, according to regulations, samples are taken proportionally and sent to the laboratory for testing, and comprehensive "physical examinations" are conducted on indicators such as fruit quality, pesticide residues, and harmful organisms, using professionalism and rigor to control the domestic market.
III. Receive inspection and quarantine documents
依据检验检疫结果,海关对进境水果分类处理:若水果经检验检疫合格,海关会签发入境货物检验检疫证明,企业拿到此证明,就如同获得 “通行证”,准予放行水果进入guoneishichang销售;若发现检疫性有害生物,海关会签发检验检疫处理通知书,要求对水果实施除害处理,处理合格后才准予放行;要是水果不符合相关规定、货证不符或经检验检疫不合格又无有效除害处理方法,海关同样签发检验检疫处理通知书,监督企业将水果作退运或销毁处理,杜绝问题水果流入市场,切实保障消费者权益与国内生态安全。企业务必牢记,只有领取到入境货物检验检疫证明,进口水果才可进入销售环节,这是不可逾越的合规底线。
According to the inspection and quarantine results, the customs classify the imported fruits: if the fruits pass the inspection and quarantine, the customs will issue an entry goods inspection and quarantine certificate. If the enterprise obtains this certificate, it is like obtaining a "pass" and is allowed to release the fruits for sale in the domestic market; If quarantine pests are found, the customs will issue a notice of inspection and quarantine treatment, requiring the fruit to undergo pest control treatment. Only after passing the treatment can it be released; If the fruit does not comply with relevant regulations, does not match the goods certificate, or fails inspection and quarantine without effective pest control methods, the customs will also issue inspection and quarantine treatment notices, supervise enterprises to return or destroy the fruit, prevent problematic fruits from entering the market, and effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers and domestic ecological security. Enterprises must remember that only by obtaining the inspection and quarantine certificate for imported goods can imported fruits enter the sales process, which is an unbreakable compliance bottom line.
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