全国服务热线 13710544254


发布时间: 2025-01-14 14:31 更新时间: 2025-01-14 14:31


Wine is a fermented wine with a certain alcohol content made from fresh grapes or grape juice that has been fully or partially fermented. Imported wine is a wine that has been imported into China through legal procedures in all aspects of grape planting, harvesting, pressing, fermentation, blending, aging and bottling.

01进口葡萄酒申报 Declaration of imported wine

一般进口葡萄酒申报主要有三个税号,分别为:Generally, there are three main HS codes for the declaration of imported wine

2204.1000:起泡葡萄酒,指Zui后发酵过程中在密封容器内加入二氧化碳的葡萄酒(原装汽酒),或装瓶后人工充气的葡萄酒(充汽酒)。Gasified wine

2204.2100:装入2升及以下容器的葡萄酒。Wine of fresh grapes in containers holding 2 L or less

2204.2200:装入2升以上但不超过10升容器的葡萄酒。Wine of fresh grapes in containers holding more than 2 L but not more than 10 L


Year: The year the grapes were harvested to make the wine, not the year the wine was bottled. If the wine label does not indicate the year, it should be filled in with "NV", and the full name is Non-Vintage, which means "non-(specific) vintage."

产区:填报酒标标明的Zui小产区的中英文名称;未标明产区的Zui低级别葡萄酒,酒标标明了国家(地区)的,应填报国家(地区)中英文名称,不应填报“无产区”。产区是葡萄酒的重要标志,无论如何,都至少会标注国家(地区)名称,不会出现“无产区”的葡萄酒。Production area: fill in the Chinese and English names of the smallest production area indicated on the wine label; If the lowest grade wine without indicating the production area is indicated, and the wine label indicates the country (region), the name of the country (region) in Chinese and English should be filled, and the name of the country (region) should not be filled in "no production area".酒庄名称(中文及外文名称):生产葡萄酒的酒庄或酒厂的中英文名称。如为生产厂商灌装(非酒庄灌装),则填报生产厂商的中英文名称。Name of winery (Chinese and foreign name): The name of the winery or winery that produces wine in both Chinese and English. If it is a manufacturer bottling, fill in the Chinese and English names of the manufacturer.

02境外酒庄注册 Overseas winery registration

为进一步加强对进口食品的安全管控,中国海关总署2021年12月13日发布关于《中华人民共和国进口食品境外生产企业注册管理规定》和《中华人民共和国进出口食品安全管理办法》实施相关事宜的公告:自2022年1月1日开始,所有进口食品境外生产企业必须经海关总署注册、获得在华注册编号。编码规则为“C”+3位国家代码+4位产品代码+6位注册日期+4位数字顺序号。Starting from January 1, 2022, all overseas manufacturers of imported food must be registered with the General Administration of Customs of China and obtain a registration number in China. The encoding rule is "C" + 3-digit country code + 4-digit product code + 6-digit registration date + 4-digit numeric sequence number.获得编号的企业应在食品的内、外包装上标注注册编号,有效期为5年,期间海关会进行核查。外箱及酒瓶中文背标上都有注明酒庄的在华注册编号。Enterprises that have obtained the number should mark the registration number on the inner and outer packaging of the food, which is valid for 5 years, during which the customs will conduct verification. The winery's registration number in China is indicated on the Chinese back label of the outer box and bottle.







例如法国的AOC、VDQS ,意大利的DOC、DOCG等标准。



  • 地址:广州市黄埔区中山大道东路490号3楼316、318、320房(仅限办公用途)
  • 邮编:510700
  • 电话:020-28141970
  • 报关员:许宏根
  • 手机:13710544254
  • 传真:020-28141970
  • 微信:just5_2
  • QQ:1225157694
  • Email:1225157694@qq.com